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Asia (except China) Admission Programme

Enhance your career prospects: ParisTech encourages bright, ambitious students to apply for a “Diplôme d’ingénieur” (Master’s degree in Science and Engineering) at the most prestigious French Grandes Ecoles (engineering graduate schools), a unique opportunity for an international career, or for pursuing a PhD.

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The ParisTech International Admission program allows you to apply simultaneously to all 7 ParisTech schools for admission into a 2-year education program at master level (“Diplôme d’ingénieur”) if you are student in Asia*. Students from Asia* are particularly welcome. Students in China are invited to look at the China webpage.

ParisTech Grandes Écoles in the International Admission program:

*Asia : Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, DPR Korea, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam

Agricultural engineering - applied mathematics – automatics Bioengineering & biophysics Chemistry - chemical engineering – civil engineering - computational biology - computer science Data science Earth sciences - economics & social sciences - environmental engineering - electrical, electronic & photonic engineering - energy & nuclear engineering - executive engineering  Finance – food engineering - forest engineering Industrial & production engineering - information technology & telecommunications  Life sciences Management - materials science & engineering - mechanical engineering Neuro-science Optical sciences – offshore engineering Physics Renewable energy - robotics Statistics Transport  Urban planning

> More details on subjects taught in each ParisTech school

  • Students from the following countries and regions can apply to the ParisTech Asia Admission Program: Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lao, Macao, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • You should apply to the program the summer preceding your last year of Bachelor degree (or within 2 years after obtaining a bachelor degree), and if admitted at a ParisTech school, you should successfully graduate before going to France.
  • Candidates should be pursuing or holding a Bachelor’s degree in Science, in Engineering or in Economics (with a strong background in Mathematics).
  • We strongly recommend that you have excellent academic records (GPAs above 80, ranking among the first 20% students of your class). Your level in mathematics and physics should be excellent. Proficiency in courses that are significant in the domain you apply for is also highly recommended.
  • You should have good command of written and spoken English, or good command of written and spoken French.

The admission program is a 4-step process: online application, scientific test, interview, admission by a ParisTech school. Some schools might add a 5th step (scientific interview, after the interview and before the admission). Each step should be satisfactorily completed to move on to the next one.

Students coming from universities which already have a bilateral exchange agreement signed with one of ParisTech schools, should contact the International Office of their home university to inquire about the specific application conditions. 

Step 1- Application

Submit your online application form to ParisTech.

List of required documents for application:

  • Copy of passport or other identification document,
  • Identity photo,
  • Resume (2 pages max.),
  • An original transcript of your records translated in English and certified by your University,
  • Official ranking certificates, translated in English, stating the total number of students in your department or in the field of specialization,
  • Professional project letter: a statement of purpose outlining your intended career project after completion of your degree at ParisTech,
  • Foreign language certificates when available, at least of English.
  • Two letters of recommendation are required.

Only complete applications, submitted before the deadline, will be considered.

Step 2- Selection procedure and scientific test

After review of the application files by the jury, eligible students will be asked to take an online scientific test.

  • Instructions to be read before the test (please read them before taking the test)

Scientific test instructions

Level of difficulty by subject expected to be mastered by participants during the test, depending on the ParisTech school

  • Required Knowledge for the scientific test



  • Sample test

Sample test in English

Step 3- Interview

Candidates who successfully pass the test will be called to an interview.

Please note: there is an additional scientific interview for Mines Paris - PSL (compulsory) and other schools (upon request).

If you are successful in the interview, you will be invited to rank the ParisTech schools which are ready to admit you by preference. More information about ParisTech schools is available here.

Step 4- Admission

Last, by the end of November, you will be informed of the outcome of your application and to which ParisTech Grande École you have been admitted.

If you are not fluent in French, you should be ready to start learning French as soon as you are admitted.

  • Fees per ParisTech school for students admitted through the ParisTech International Admission Program

ParisTech Schools

Tuition fees*


4449€/year – fees may be adjusted on a case-by-case basis up to a full exemption

Arts et Métiers Sciences et Technologies


DD : 0€

Chimie ParisTech - PSL

individual applicants: 3570 € per year (1785 € per year for scholarships recipients from their home country)

Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

3450€ (tuition) + 1000€ (fees) per year


No agreement: 850 euros (700 tuition, 150 registration fee)

Institut d’Optique Graduate School

2900 € per year for students from partner universities (the regular rate for non-European students is 5000 € per year)

Mines Paris - PSL

Tuition fees for individual applicants (non-european nationality): 6350 euros                                            
Tuition fees for student from our partner universities admitted to double degree program: 0 euros   
Other fees (health insurance, school insurance, miscellaneous fees): 55 € (civil liability insurance) 

*Index 2023-2024. Tuition fees and others are subject to annual review

** Double degrees (DD): admitted students pay tuition fees at home university.

There might be a fee waiver in public institutions for Eiffel and BGF scholarships recipients.

The full yearly training cost per student can amount up to €18,000, and is largely subsidized by the French government or the city of Paris (for ESPCI Paris – PSL).

  • Living costs*: about 800 €/month in Paris
  • Overseas travel expenses*: 1000 €

*Please note that the living cost and the overseas travel expenses are just indicative and may vary depending on students.

To cover living and travel costs, students are strongly encouraged to apply for funding schemes provided either by the French government (Eiffel scholarship for instance) or local governments. Additional scholarships may be granted by industrial sponsors or by the foundations of ParisTech Grandes Écoles.

During their stay at ParisTech schools, students have compulsory internships. Most internships are paid, allowing students to benefit from another source of income.

Long-term students visa also allows them to work part-time during their studies. Last, students can benefit from housing allowance from the French government.

To learn more: Our help desk

Consult scholarship opportunities here

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Rajanaandini, from Malaysia, studies at Chimie ParisTech (2022)


Aryssa, from Malaysia, studies at Chimie ParisTech (2022)

Borhan, from Malaysia, obtained the engineering degree at Chimie ParisTech and is now doing its PhD there (2022)


Read the interview of Jing WANG, student in environmental engineering at Wuhan University, who was admitted in Mines Paris - PSL in 2020

Find all testimonials on YouTube or Bilibili and discover testimonials of alumni here

Consult frequently asked questions

Consulter la foire aux questions

Watch our webinar (2024)

Q&A session for students in Asia (September 2022)

Consult the vademecum here (June 2024)


Webinar for students in Indonesia (June 23, 2021)