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Parc éolien de l'Ourcq et du Clignon, dans l'Aisne, 17/7/2016

©TERRA_Daniel Coutelier


Energy supply, a secondary issue until 1974, has become an important cost factor to be controlled.

Faced with the scheduled depletion of oil resources, energy demand has to be curtailed eventually; while the world population continues to grow and get richer, sustainable energy production technologies must be developed. Moreover, this energy transition must be done by massively decarbonising energy production to limit global warming.
Consequently, a tremendous technological challenge lies ahead for new generations in the energy area with strategic planetary stakes that depend on the development and distribution of these new technologies.

ParisTech is attuned to this context by offering high-level courses

From the CO2 market operator to the nuclear safety engineer, the partnerships between ParisTech and the major players in the field ensure many professional job opportunities.

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