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Moissons dans l'Yonne, 6/7/2019

©TERRA_Sylvain Giguet

Public action for the sustainable development of territories and agriculture (AM Acterra)

Action publique pour le développement durable des territoires et de l'agriculture (MS ACTERRA)

Advantage of the programme

  • An alternating professional mission (internship, professionalisation contract or apprenticeship)

  • 90 days of training including 7 short collective projects in real situation

  • 15 days of international situation

  • Testimonials from professionals illustrating methods decoded by research teachers

  • Expert title "manager of territorial policies and territorial projects" inscribed in the French National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP)

ACTERRA aims to train territorial development actors in concrete situations that require listening, analytical rigor, adaptability and strength of proposal.
Acterra trains Managers of the policies and projects of the territories of tomorrow, who must build their implication coherently, in proximity with the plurality of actors, in an integrative approach of development and a posture of reflexivity.

This training allows to :
- acquire skills to analyze territorial issues,
- acquire instruments for analyzing territorial public policies and mastering intervention systems at different scales,
- to develop capacities to formulate and implement operational recommendations.