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©Fethi Bedioui

Russia Admission Programme

Enhance your career prospects: ParisTech encourages bright, ambitious students to apply for a Double Master’s degree in Science and Engineering ("Diplôme d'ingénieur") at the most prestigious French Grandes Ecoles, a unique opportunity for an international career, or for pursuing a PhD.

Due to the current situation, the recruitment campaign of Russian students in the frame of existing agreements is suspended for this year. Thus, ParisTech will not recruit any student in Russia in the frame of our existing agreements. Students in Russia, and in particular from ParisTech partner universities, who are willing to study engineering during 2 years in France from September 2024 to get the French « Diplôme d’ingénieur » with us are invited to consult our ParisTech website and to apply “individually” through the « Other countries » campaign.

This admission program allows you to candidate simultaneously to 7 of ParisTech schools for admission into a double degree program at master level (“Diplôme d’ingénieur”, see chart below) : 

ParisTech Grandes Écoles in the International Admission Program:

For a Russian translation, please click here

Cooperation between ParisTech and Russian universities cover a very wide range of engineering tracks thanks to the six engineering schools involved in this programme:

Agricultural engineering - applied mathematics – automatics Bioengineering & biophysics Chemistry - chemical engineering – civil engineering - computational biology - computer science Data science - Earth sciences - economics & social sciences - environmental engineering - electrical, electronic & photonic engineering - energy & nuclear engineering - executive engineering  Finance – food engineering - forest engineering Industrial & production engineering - information technology & telecommunications  Life sciences Management - materials science & engineering - mechanical engineering Neuro-science Optical sciences – offshore engineering Physics Renewable energy - robotics Statistics Transport  Urban planning

> More details on subjects taught in each ParisTech school

ParisTech schools signed several agreements in order to enable students to come and study in Paris to get a double degree. It means that at the end of your studies you will get at the same time the Master’s degree from your University and the engineering degree of the ParisTech School.

Only students from the following universities may apply to the double degree programme:

  • Novosibirsk State University (NSU)
  • Tomsk State University (TSU): Science and Engineering faculties
  • St Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)

For admission into the two-year Master’s programme, you are required to have successfully completed at least 3 years of a Bachelor’s degree (Bakalavrat) in Science or Engineering at your home University by September 2021 taking into account that you will move to France in September 2023 after achieving your first year of Master’s degree at your University.

You should have good working knowledge of English or French.

f you are an individual student from other universities than the ones mentioned above, we might exceptionnaly consider your request to apply to the Master’s degree in Science and Engineering provided that we manage to get the support from your home University.

1 – Preselection by home university (only for the Double Degree programme)

 In order to apply you have to get in touch with the international Office of your university:


Contact point

Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

Mrs. Michele Debrenne

Tomsk State University (TSU)

Mr. Artem Yu. Rykun

Saint Peter the Great Polytechnic University (SPbPU)

Mrs. Alla Mazina

They will advise you on those opportunities and organize a preselection according to their criteria. 

Each step should be satisfactorily completed to move on to the next one.

2 – Application

Submit your application on ParisTech website before the application deadline. You will need to provide the following information:

  • Copy of passport or other identification document,
  • An identity photo,
  • A resume (2 pages max.),
  • An original transcript of your records translated in English and certified by your University,
  • Official ranking certificates, translated in English, stating the total number of students in your department or in the field of specialization,
  • Professional project letter: a statement of purpose outlining your intended career project after completion of your degree at ParisTech,.
  • Foreign language certificates when available, at least in English.
  • Two letters of recommendation are required.

Only complete applications, submitted before the deadline, will be considered.

3 – Scientific test

If you are eligible for admission to one of ParisTech schools, you will be invited for an on-line scientific test.

Instructions to be read before the test (please read them before taking the test)

More information about the test is available here:


4 – Interview

Students who pass the test will be invited to an on-line interview in order to discuss with the ParisTech Jury their motivation. It is also an opportunity to check if students have selected the appropriate ParisTech School given their study/professional plan.

Additional scientific interview for Mines Paris - PSL (compulsory) and other schools (upon request).

If you are successful in the interview, you will be invited to rank the ParisTech schools which are ready to admit you by preference. More information about ParisTech schools are available here.

5 – Admission decision

Last, by end of November you will be informed of the outcome of your application and to which ParisTech Grande École you have been admitted.

If you are not fluent in French, you should be ready to start learning French as soon as possible.




Opening of on-line application


Application deadline


Mock test

Same schedule plan as for the scientific test on September 28.


On-line scientific test


   Part I: 16:00 - 17:30 (Saint-Petersburg time)

   Break: 17:30 - 18:00

   Part II: 18:00 - 19:30


   Part I: 14:00 - 15:30 (Novosibirsk/Tomsk time)

   Break: 15:30 - 17:00

   Part II: 17:00 - 18:30


Interview period


Scientific interview (if requested)


ParisTech Admission Board


Publication of admission results

  • Fees per ParisTech school for students admitted through the double degree program

ParisTech Schools

Tuition fees*


NSU : 0€ in the 2nd year / 4290€ in the 3rd year

Arts et Métiers Sciences et Technologies


DD : 0€

Chimie ParisTech - PSL

0 €

Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

NSU: 3240 € (tuitions) + 1000€ (fees) per year
SPbSPU: 1000€ (fees) per year


Waived if paid at home institution + 150 € students association

Institut d’Optique Graduate School

2900 € per year (the regular rate for non-European students is 5000 € per year)
Under some specific DD agreements, reduced to minimum rate at 665 € per year
Mines Paris - PSL

3500 € per year for European, 5500€ per year for non European students
Fee waiver for DD students from partners universities

*Index 2019-2020. Tuition fees and others are subject to annual review

Double degrees (DD): admitted students pay tuition fees at home university.

There is a fee waiver in public institutions for Eiffel and BGF scholarships recipients.

The full yearly training cost per student can amount up to €18,000, and is largely subsidized by the French government or the city of Paris (for ESPCI Paris – PSL).

  • Living costs*: about 800€/month in Paris
  • Overseas travel expenses*: 1000€

*Please note that the living cost and the overseas travel expenses are just indicative and may vary depending on students.

To cover living and travel costs, students are strongly encouraged to apply for funding schemes provided either by the French or the Russian Governments, especially through the Bourse du Gouvernement Français or the President of the Russian Federation scholarship programs. Additional scholarships may be granted by industrial sponsors or by the foundations of ParisTech Grandes Écoles.

During their stay at ParisTech schools, students have compulsory internships. Most internships are paid, allowing students to benefit from another source of income.

Long-term students visa also allows them to work part-time during their studies. Last, students can benefit from housing allowance from the French government.

To learn more: Our help desk

Consult scholarship opportunities here