Centrale solaire photovoltaïque, Aude, 9/4/2009
©TERRA_Laurent Mignaux
According to the International Energy Agency, investments in the energy sector amounted to US$ 1.8 trillion in 2017. Energy is a domain where investments are often very large, and technically very complex.
The current transformation of the energy sector is making projects even more complex.The transition from fossil to low carbon energies is accelerating, which will help to reduce CO2 emissions. The technical challenges of the new energy sources are still significant during the generation stage, but also in managing intermittency and storage. In addition to renewables, nuclear energy also bring a large contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions since it can supply massive quantities of electricity in a baseload mode.
Business models for renewables energies are changing from subsidized tariffs to regular market competition. Digitalization helps to better manage their impact on the grids and also facilitates the development of innovative business models such as domestic PV pannels combined with electric vehicles and storage, and selfconsumption. Such new « disruptive » business models are welcomed by consumers who want to monitor and control their energy consumption and even generation, and no longer limit their role to just the payment of their bills.The social dimension of energy is another change that the sector is facing. Consumers want to be actors. Building energy projects can no longer be done without the consent of their numerous stakeholders.
École des Ponts ParisTech, its research labs and affiliates combine a unique expertise in large infrastructure projects, urban systems, mobility, sustainable development, relations with territories and stakeholders, optimization of complex systems, etc.
Louis-François DURRET, Director of the Post-Masters in Management of Energy Projects
Audrey GABOURG, Inspector of studies