PhD candidates in a lab at Chimie ParisTech - PSL

©Chimie ParisTech - PSL

A PhD candidate analysing materials at Arts et Métiers

©Stefan Meyer_Arts et Métiers


With 84 laboratories and 1,700 PhD candidates, the research at ParisTech schools, which regularly wins awards, covers both fundamental scientific issues and more applied fields.

The research at ParisTech schools is characterized by international research teams, strong interactions with businesses and administrations and permanent links with public research organizations (CNRS, INRAE, Inria, INSERM, CEA, Onera...).

20% to 70% of engineering graduates go on to complete a PhD

ParisTech schools offer quality support for students who want to be trained in the production of innovative knowledge, tools and methods.

The PhD is one of the flagship products of ParisTech schools' training and research, both of international academic excellence and of reference for companies. One of ParisTech's great strengths is that it brings together schools with different and complementary profiles. This diversity is reflected in the nature of the research conducted there, but also in the partnerships forged with companies and the profiles of the PhDs trained.

The doctoral training provided by ParisTech schools is backed by universities (Université Paris-Saclay, Université PSL, HESAM, Université de Bordeaux, Université de Saint-Etienne).

Common and unifying orientations for education by research

  • to deliver a qualitative PhD based on high-level research
  • to offer specific support to PhD students in the design of their professional project and the acquisition of a skills portfolio
  • to guarantee access to a wide catalog of high-level scientific, cross-disciplinary and language training sessions
  • to promote the international mobility of PhD students

Approximately 400 PhD are defended each year based on work done in the laboratories of ParisTech schools. The host teams apply the following three principles: teaching, academic excellence and close links with applications in industry and services.

Join a research team for a PhD at a ParisTech school

Prerequisites are:

  • To have a master's degree or equivalent
  • To be motivated by research
  • To have a good level of English

Each ParisTech school manages admissions to its laboratories according to its recruitment criteria and financial resources.

ParisTech has however developed a PhD program with the China Scholarship Council (CSC) open to highly qualified Chinese students. Funding is granted for a period of 36 to 48 months in France with a scholarship of 1350€ per month.

To learn more about the ParisTech-CSC PhD program

All non-Chinese students interested in a PhD at a ParisTech school are invited to contact directly the research director of the laboratory in which they are interested in.

Consult the laboratory directory

Discover the MOOC Creative and Design thinking: process and tools for innovation (POLIMI) dedicated to PhD candidates and developed in the frame of the IDEAL project.


Discover PhD at ParisTech schools

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