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Service Environnement industriel et Procédés Innovants des laboratoires du BRGM : station de broyage et classification de minerais, 24/2012

©Laurent Mignaux / Terra

Mechanics of Soils, Rocks, and Structures in their Environment (MSROE)

The MSROE track of the master program in civil engineering trains people in effective geotechnical modelling skills, with a focus on aspects where current and future industrial demand is high, such as urban development and development in difficult environments, geotechnics associated with pollution, waste, and major risks, and more generally the protection of the environment.

These spheres of application, characterized by their difficult conditions, require developments in research topics such as:

  • adjustment to major topological disparities, contingencies, and the regionalization of errors and uncertainty;
  • real behavior of materials under complex loads;
  • interactions and couplings (solids, liquids, gases);
  • validation of codes and procedures, reidentification of parameters, inverse problems.