Immeuble de bureaux Green Office® à Meudon, 31/10/2014
©TERRA_Arnaud Bouissou
Created in 2011 in the context of the Grenelle Environment Round Table, with a focus on energy and environmental performance, the advanced Master®, in order to better meet the needs of private companies and the public sector, takes the measure of the importance of the transition from fossil and fissile energies to renewable energies and the considerable impact of the digital revolution.
It is part of the ongoing upheaval in the processes of construction, renovation and management of real estate and buildings: technological, organisational and financial innovations, BIM (building and information modelling), big data, and the arrival of new digital players.
Dominique Naert, Director
Laurence Nizier, Inspector of studies
Phone number: +33 (0)1 64 15 39 68